Hi, my name is Rachel and my pronouns are she/her.

I’m a Doctor of Clinical Psychology, Licensed Professional Counselor, and Holistic Life Coach (see my education and credentials here).

It’s my job to get to the root of what’s causing your suffering and give you the tools you need to heal, cope, or change.

I have training in cognitive behavioral therapies, but I know that if feeling better were as simple as changing a thought or behavior, most of us wouldn’t need therapy. While I still pay attention to how you think, feel, and behave, I’m also listening for the ways relationships, role expectations, environments, and lived experiences contribute to your challenges.

Because of that, my work is holistic and trauma sensitive; I incorporate compassion focused therapy, somatic psychology, dialectical behavior therapy, and principles from attachment theory, polyvagal theory, and internal family systems. I’m also trained in EMDR, an approach that works with our thoughts, feelings, sensations, images, and memories to cultivate relief and well-being (learn about EMDR here).